We’ve all been there: Spending a month growing out your nails, only to have one break. Exerting time and money painting your nails, only to have the polish chip. Here are some common nail issues and some quick solutions to help avoid them.
Weak, Thin, or Brittle Nails: Chipped and breaking nails can be annoying, especially when you’ve spent so much time growing your nails. There are a few things that can weaken your nails:
Cause: Constantly having nail polish on your nails
Solution: Every now and then, allow your nails to go polish-free for a week. Giving your nails a break from nail polish can help re-strengthen them
Cause: Using your nails for doing things like opening cans
Solution: Use tools like spoons or can openers
Cause: Submerging your nails in water for long periods of time
Solution: Wear gloves when washing dishes and avoid keeping your nails submerged in water during baths
Cause: Using polishes with low quality, nail-damaging ingredients
Solution: Nimble’s nail polish contains ingredients, such as jojoba oil, vegan keratin, and vegan collagen to help strengthen your nails!
Cause: Frequent usage of acetone-based nail polish removers
Solution: Try an acetone-free nail polish remover